Vital Life Sustaining Nutrients Are Needed For Heart Health
Investigative Reporter, Gregory Ciola on Feb 14th 2023
A Deficiency In Critically Important Minerals Is One Major Cause of Problems
Mainstream medicine’s answer to heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes/blood sugar issues is to treat it with drugs. The simplest answer is that neither heart disease, high blood pressure nor diabetes/blood sugar issues are due to “drug deficiencies”.The reasons for each of these problems are due to complexities of nutritional deficiencies.A variety of nutritional deficiencies are what leads to heart disease.These deficiencies come from a few very bad dietary habits that have only become common place over the last 100 years. 100 years ago, cardiovascular disease was not even among the top ten causes of death.Today it is the number one cause of death and has been number one more than half a century.
Chromium – Manages cholesterol.In the absence of chromium cholesterol is unmanaged and goes haywire.Low density lipoproteins (LDL) increase which are commonly regarded as “bad” cholesterol while high density lipoproteins (HDL) decrease which are commonly regarded as “good” cholesterol.
Whole grain is an abundant source of chromium but refining it into white flour removes 91 per cent of that chromium.Whole sugar cane is also an abundant source of chromium but refining it into white sugar removes 98 per cent of that chromium.
Recent U.S. government figures note that refined white flour is 20 per cent of the typical American diet.That means that refined white flour and refined white sugar now makes up almost half of the typical American diet.
The simple and tragic fact of the matter is that chromium deficiency has been a serious problem in America for many decades. Chromium deficiency has become more chronic with each passing decade. Chromium deficiency is still getting worse in this decade and has reached a crisis state in America today.
In addition to chromium, most people are also severely deficient in other important elements such as selenium and magnesium because their diets consist of far too many processed foods stripped of nutrition.
Magnesium — Magnesium is one of the most important mineral supplements in the world that a vast majority of the population needs. Our own US government has reported that nearly two-thirds of the population in the western world is not achieving the recommended daily allowance of magnesium. Magnesium is a crucial macro mineral involved in over 300 physiological processes. It is essential to body structure and healthy function. Research studies have shown that magnesium supports bone health, sound sleep, nerve function, cognitive health, energy production, cardiovascular health, healthy blood pressure, healthy immune system, healthy cholesterol levels, healthy glucose metabolism, muscle strength performance, healthy mood, and emotion regulation. There are a bunch of US NIH articles that discuss the role magnesium plays in heart health. This is the conclusion of one story:
Dietary Magnesium and Cardiovascular Disease: A Review with Emphasis in Epidemiological Studies
Taken together, current evidence from epidemiological studies shows that higher Mg intake, either dietary or via supplementation, is associated with a protection against major CV risk factors, including MetS, T2D and hypertension/BP, as well as against stroke and total CVDs. [i]
Selenium – Like Chromium, selenium is another mineral that is severely deficient in the American diet. Breast and prostate health are intimately linked to selenium. There are also studies showing that chronic heart failure is also linked to selenium deficiency. Here is one of many articles posted on the US NIH website:
Selenium Level in Patients with Heart Failure versus Normal Individuals
Our results showed statistically significant lower level of serum selenium in patients with CHF in comparison to normal individuals. Moreover, selenium level had significant reverse relationship with left ventricular volume and pulmonary artery pressure. [ii]
MSM – MSM Crystals is a supplement that is used for arthritis, joint and muscle support, joint protection, flexibility, mobility, strength and workout recovery, allergies, inflammation, detoxification, digestion, heart health and much more! MSM works great for workout recovery and as a catalyst to make your nutritional supplements more bioavailable.MSM is a master mineral that helps open the cells, oxygenate the cells, and detoxify the cells. It also makes all nutritional supplements work more effectively because you get enhanced adsorption.
Vitamin D — It is very likely that this underappreciated element has strong ties to the development of heart disease.While there are few studies of vitamin D vs heart disease directly, recent studies have found that people with various forms of heart disease are nearly always deficient in this vitamin.Since Vitamin D deficiencies have been solidly linked to several chronic diseases and cancers, it is prudent to supplement with vitamin D daily.
Other Critical Heart Health Nutrients
Beet Root – Beets are one of the best heart health supplements in the world. It boosts nitric oxide levels. The biggest reason for consuming beet juice is the impact it has on the body's nitric oxide levels. Recent scientific research has made the connection between dietary nitrates and lower rates of cardiovascular disease. Dietary nitrate has been demonstrated to have a range of beneficial vascular effects, including enhancing exercise performance in healthy individuals and patients with peripheral arterial disease. The best way to increase the body's nitric oxide levels is to consume more foods that contain dietary nitrates. Not surprisingly, beets have been shown to be one of the best sources of dietary nitrates. This is why cardiovascular doctors and medical agencies are beginning to examine beets and fund studies into how they can assist the body in lowering heart disease.
B6 – Processed foods tend to be stripped of most of the B vitamins, especially vitamins B6, B12, and B9 (folic acid) that are important for heart health.In 2008 we published a story from Chris Barr about the benefits of B6.This is a short summary of what he covered.
Last year I looked up Dr. John M. Ellis and had the honor of speaking with him at his home in Texas. Dr. Ellis retired from the practice of medicine on the fiftieth anniversary of his medical degree. Dr. Ellis was excited to speak to someone from Arkansas. His parents are buried in the state. His dad was an Arkansas country doctor. Some of the earliest breakthroughs about vitamin B6 were right here in Northeast Arkansas. Ellis spoke excitedly about the possibility that a few more people might be reached with information about vitamin B6 through my efforts. He sounded robust for a man well into his 80s. Eight years ago his five-year clinical study on heart disease and vitamin B6 was published in a scientific journal. It was virtually ignored.
In that study, those who died of heart attacks that took vitamin B6 lived on average eight years longer than those did who did not take vitamin B6. There was also a marked reduction in heart attacks among those that took vitamin B6 compared to those who did not take vitamin B6. The total incidence of heart disease events was reduced 74% in the B6 group compared to those who did not take vitamin B6.
Resveratrol – A polyphenol that is found in several plants including the skins of red grapes, blueberries, and to a lesser extent in peanuts. Resveratrol is produced by the plant for protection against environmental stress such as ultraviolet radiation, fluctuations in temperature as well as microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. Its potent antioxidant and cardioprotective properties have been well documented. In addition, scientists have discovered that resveratrol has the ability to activate a family of proteins known as Sirtuins. Sirtuins are a unique class of proteins whose activity is closely associated with lifespan.
Omega-3 fatty acids — Found in nuts and fish oils.Many clinical studies have shown that Omega-3 oils can significantly decrease both total and LDL cholesterol levels, increase HDL and more importantly, decrease levels of the dangerous blood fats known as triglycerides.They can also help reduce inflammation throughout the body, a major source of arterial plaque.
Hawthorn — This herb tends to increase blood flow to the heart and strengthen the action of the cardiac muscle allowing it to pump more blood.It is a good preventative supplement that can help prevent cardiac arrhythmia.It is used in Europe and Asia to treat minor heart arrhythmias and early congestive heart failure.Along with L-Arginine, it helps protect the heart from oxygen deficiency. Here is another US NIH story:
Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) in the treatment of cardiovascular disease
Results recorded from clinical trials, experiences of professionally qualified medical herbalists, and the low/negligible incidence of side effects experienced by patients would indicate that Crataegus preparations hold significant potential as a useful remedy in the treatment of CVD. [iii]
Garlic — This herb has been used for thousands of years as both as a food and herbal remedy. It is one of the most often used herbs in both Eastern and Western herbology.Garlic has a tremendous amount of solid research that shows it can help lower blood pressure by lowering fatty deposits in the arteries.Like Gingko, it is also a blood thinner that can help reduce formation of stroke-producing blood clots.
Cayenne Pepper – A stimulant herb often used in herbal preparations as a catalyst to help increase the action of other herbs in a mixture.Used alone, cayenne can help stop a heart attack.Used as a tonic taken daily in small quantities, it has a powerful ability to boost circulation, lower blood pressure, and increase the pumping action of the heart.It has few side effects other than its hot taste, and it can enhance the entire cardiovascular system.
There are many more nutrients that play a role. This short report covers some of the more important supplements. Do your research. There are a lot of good answers to this growing crisis.