Cases Of Diabetes Exploding Among Young Women

Cases Of Diabetes Exploding Among Young Women

Christopher Barr on Aug 25th 2022

Indicting abusers of pregnant teens

Young women and significant numbers of teenagers pregnant in an environment that confines them from knowing any other way – or even knowing that there is reason to question their lot in life – are in the news.No, this is not about an isolated religious group in west Texas.This is a larger group in greater numbers over a much wider area affected by a combination of far more diabolical associations hiding in plain sight. These American diabolical associations (ADA) isolate pregnant young women and girls thereby preventing knowledge of any other way to live.

Recently revealed was a doubling of young pregnant women already afflicted by full blown diabetes.Also disclosed was a dramatically greater almost six-fold increase of teenage pregnant girls already afflicted by full blown and adult diabetes – adult diabetes in those not yet even adults. This news came in part by way of an American Diabetes Association (ADA) journal that emphasized after the fact medical approaches like insulin pumps while ignoring the before the fact gross deficiency of the mineral nutrient chromium that is the matter-of-fact reason for adult onset, Type II diabetes.Diabetes is not the result of a lack of insulin in the diet.Neither is diabetes caused by a lack of insulin pumps in the body.

Gross chromium deficiency occurs due to standard American dietary (SAD) choices that these ADA refuse to warn against, that is even promoted in the case of American Dietary Association operatives with exclusive and isolated control of institutionalized facilities.A federal diabolical association (FDA) permits the annihilation of chromium from the food supply in violation of its own rules under the Wiley Act more commonly known as the Pure Food & Drug Act (PFDA). This FDA allows pure, whole food grain to be dramatically adulterated with the result that 91 per cent of chromium is removed even though the United States Supreme Court ruled this to be a violation of PFDA almost 100 years ago.The FDA also allows pure, whole food sugar cane to be dramatically adulterated with the result that 98 per cent of chromium is removed.More than 90 per cent of chromium is therefore removed from nearly half the SAD (manipulated) choices of all Americans including the pregnant young women and girls earlier referenced.

Almost 50 years ago research scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) discovered that the mineral chromium was vital for sugar metabolism.Soon thereafter the federal government recognized chromium as an essential mineral nutrient (meaning you can’t live without it) for its required role in blood sugar metabolism. The federal government did not bring its practices in line with these new findings as they continued to undermine their own rules and regulations, sound science, and just plain old common sense.

The last 100 years have seen a dramatic escalation of consumption of foods stripped of almost all chromium.This results in each successive generation starting life with less chromium and running out faster and faster with each successive generation.That has resulted in constantly and dramatically escalating levels of diabetes occurring – and in younger and younger ages – while ADA and FDA groups stand not idly by encouraging harmful practices.

The mainstream media promotes this harm as well with an ever-growing polluted stream of advertising and “news”/propaganda stories.

It was also disclosed (though barely mentioned) in the journal article that the highest increase of all for pregnant women already diabetic was in those women older than 40.Only one of three primary providers of mainstream health news reports even deigned to mention this fact. Almost 40 years ago it was discovered that a dramatic number of Americans had no detectable chromium levels by the age of 40 years.Conditions leading to that dismal fact have only worsened since then. Also disclosed in this journal article is that diabetic pregnancies result in escalating numbers of birth defects.

Almost 35 years ago the most exhaustive encyclopedic textbook on nutrition noted that the mineral chromium helps to maintain genetic integrity of the cell. Almost 15 years ago chromium deficiency was noted as the logical key to birth defects in my own book on chromium connecting the facts noted above.Subsequent to this numerous medical journal, articles have reported (as though it were stunning news) that elevated blood sugar levels even among non-diabetic resulted in dramatically increased birth defect rates. The medical sources admit that they are mystified as to why.The real mystery is why they never mention – let alone study – the mineral chromium.

This assault of American diabolical associations on pregnant (and non-pregnant) women and children (men, too) is at the very least a matter of criminal neglect. Promotion of insulin pumps for pregnant teenagers is yet another ADA assault.An FDA study has revealed escalating numbers of injuries and deaths connected to use of insulin pumps in teenagers. “The FDA takes pediatric deaths seriously,” said an official FDA spokesman.Yet the FDA did not advise against use of insulin pumps despite their own findings.

The more quickly and greater that whole foods and chromium in a whole food form is promoted, and that drugs and drug devices are demoted, the faster and better our children – and we – will be healthier.


If you want natural supplements that can help balance the body’s sugar then consider these products from 7 Lights Nutrition:

Blood Sugar Harmony – Contains 240 mcg of Chromium per capsule with other beneficials herbal supplements.

Blood Sugar Equalizer – Contains 67 mcg of Chromium per capsule along with other minerals, herbs, vitamins and amino acids that all help balance the body.

All dietary products and dietary ingredients used in formulas that are sold on are blended, mixed, bottled, labeled, packaged and/or manufactured in the United States in facilities that adhere to the strictest industry regulations such as cGMP. We do not sell any aduletrated, misbranded or illegal ingredients or supplements and we adhere to the strictest industry standards and guidelines to assure that we sell the highest quality, purity tested products and ingredients that can be obtained.